Popular Leominster Facebook Groups and Pages

Search results for groups on Facebook in Leominster.
Facebook has consistently been one of the most popular websites in the world. If you’re anything like me, you use Facebook to stay up-to-date with friends, family, and local events going on in Leominster. You may even use it as a source for local news. One way to stay updated and in the know is to follow Facebook groups and pages relevant to Leominster.
Leominster Facebook Groups
Below you’ll find a list of some of the most popular and active Leominster Facebook groups. They’re listed in no particular order. Each of them offers something unique, and provides great value to the community. If you want to stay up-to-date with what’s going on in Leominster, join one or all of these Facebook groups.
Leominster, MA It’s What’s Going On
7.9K members
A group where you can talk about what’s happening in Leominster.
Leominsterites Unite
17.K members
A group for positive discussion for people who care about the city of Leominster.
Leominster, MA Current Events and Local Business
2.5K members
A group for residents to chat about current community events.
Leominster Eats
1.7K members
A group that shares their love for food and restaurants in Leominster.
Leominster, that’s my home town
9.7k members
A group for those that live or lived in Leominster and want to reminisce.
Leominster United
3K members
A group for all the civil people of Leominster to share events and information.
This is Leominster!
2.8K members
A group for Leominster residents to share ideas, pictures, and events.
Did we miss a Facebook group? Let us know in the comments below.
Leominster Facebook Pages
Below you’ll find a list of some of the most popular and active Leominster Facebook pages. Many of them are official pages from the committees and departments in Leominster. They’re listed in no particular order. Each of them offers something unique, and provides great value to the community. If you want to stay up-to-date with what’s going on in Leominster, follow one or all of these Facebook pages.
City of Leominster, MA
The official Facebook page for the City of Leominster.
Leominster Community Development
Business news and community events in Leominster.
Leominster Recreation
Stay up-to-date with the variety of recreational programs Leominster has to offer.
Leominster Police Department
Follow along for news and updates from the Leominster Police Department
Living in Leominster
Our very own page where we share everything that’s going on in Leominster.
Leominster Health Department
Get important health related updates and information.
Leominster DPW
Follow the Leominster DPW for information about road work, water issues, trash pick-up, and more.
Leominster Public Schools
If you’re parent, follow this page for important updates and news from Leominster Public Schools.
Leominster Trail Stewards
Enjoy hiking or walking? Follow the Leominster Trail Stewards for updates about local hiking and walking trails.
Sholan Farms
Get updates about news and events going on at Leominster’s very own apple orchard.
Did we miss a Facebook page? Let us know in the comments below.
http://www.facebook.com/Leominsterbluedevilfootball for all news about Leominster High School Football team (and other sports)