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Leominster Weather

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Leominster, MA Weather

Leominster, MA

Climate & Average Weather

What is the weather like in Leominster, MA?

In Leominster, Winters can be snowy and freezing cold, but the Summers are warm and green.

Generally speaking, there are light clouds on any given day. Over the span of an entire year, the average temperature ranges from 20°F to 85°F although it can get as cold as 0°F and as hot as 95°F.

How much snow does Leominster get?

Snowfall in Leominster, MA greatly varies by year. Some years will get a lot while others will get next to none.

Typically he snowy season for Leominster is November to mid-April. During that period, an average amount of three and a half feet of snow will fall.

The snowiest month in Leominster is January with over a foot of snow typically accumulating.

How much rain does Leominster get?

The rainiest part of the year in Leominster runs from May through September with the raniest month being June.

Most months it rains about three inches with a small dip down to an average of one and a half inches in January.

What is the average temperature in Leominster?

Summer has an average daily high temperature higher than 75°F. The hottest month in Leominster is July with a temperature range of 64°F to 84°F.

Winter has an average daily high temperature below 45°F. The coldest month in Leominster is January with a temperature range of 19°F to 35°F.

What is the best time of year to visit Leominster?

To us, the best time of year to visit is not only warm, but also has a lower chance of rain so we can enjoy outdoor activities. Therefore we recommend the middle of June through the middle of September as the best time to visit Leominster.

But don’t let that scare you away from visiting because truthfully, any time of year is a great time to be in Leominster.

What is the humidity like in Leominster?

The humidity level varies throughout the year; in Winter it is non-existent while in Summer it can be muggy at times.

Most of the muggy days occur in June and July although it can also be muggy in August or September. 

What is Spring like in Leominster?

The average high temperature during Spring is 63°F. The temperature rarely goes above 84°F or below 29°F.

What is Summer like in Leominster?

The average high temperature during Summer is 82°F. The temperature rarely goes above 90°F or below 50°F.

What is Fall like in Leominster?

The average high temperature during Fall is 66°F. The temperature rarely goes above 85°F or below 33°F.

What is Winter like in Leominster?

The average high temperature during Winter is 33°F. The temperature rarely goes above 42°F or below 3°F.